The Beauty of Meditation

February 2, 2023

Pausing with Intention

It is hard to believe that 7 years ago, I birthed Forward Movement Consulting as a way to be a part of meaningful work with leaders and organizations across the country that work everyday to make our lives better. Each January, the FMC team celebrates our anniversary by reflecting on the work we were able to accomplish in partnership with our clients. And each year, that reflection period is accompanied by a long list of lessons learned and growth edges for the coming year.  We love the winter months of December and January because it is a time where we welcome, with intention, a prolonged PAUSE.

For many of us, pausing is often a practice that we devalue and are conditioned to think we do not have time for.

Why is it so hard to PAUSE?

The daily barrage of decision points for leaders that you have to make, the timelines and deadlines that seem hardened in cement, and the constant feeling of catching up or disappointment when we cannot check off all of the things on the to-do list.  The heavy weight of urgency that is felt so heavily during times of crisis, trauma, and public outcry as we witness violence, death, and pain.

At FMC, we have learned to shift the meaning and positioning of pausing. I have learned that pausing for me can look like meditation. I am still learning how to be consistent and prolong my daily moments of intentional pause. But one thing I am certain of is that I often anticipate, with excitement, my time of meditation. I look forward to an unscheduled few hours of my calendar so that I can pause to hear, feel, and experience what my body and mind asks me to release, shed, recall, and remember. It has become my most treasured time. And most often, meditation helps me to remember how to connect my mind and body, how to make hard decisions, and confidence and clarity on my next steps. And some times the next steps look like a continued sense of pause.

  • How often do you pause each week?
  • What does your pause practice look like?

“Mindfulness is a pause – the space between stimulus and response: that’s where choice lies.” Tara Brach

One response to “The Beauty of Meditation”

  1. Sandra Wegmann says:

    Thank you for the topic, Melissa. Meditation has been a game changer for me. I can’t imagine coaching and consulting without the chance to pause – though I recognize my own internal resistance to it.

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